Traveling Blind 4: Meares Island Faye Bayko June 5, 2018 When the sighted and sight-challenged are given access to sensitive ecological parks the experience for one could override that of the other, losing the magic of the experience for both. Traveling Blind BigTreeTrail, MearesIsland, Tofino, TravelingBlind, Ucluelet
Not a 10? So what! Faye Bayko February 5, 2018 Moving beyond our own, as well as other’s, standards of beauty may take a little more effort than we think. Editorials Chesterman Beach, love, Tofino, wedding
Traveling Blind 1: Chesterman Beach Faye Bayko February 5, 2018 Robert enjoys a new freedom on a West Coast beach where he’s able to stare as long as he wants. Traveling Blind ChestermanBeach, Tofino, TravelingBlind, Ucluelet